Saturday, June 20, 2015

Commonplace Exception

In thought this morning as I heard the door open and the low guttural grumble raise from my Eskie’s belly, I just want normal back—but that  thought came and went quickly.  In over ten years of marriage, there has never been a normalcy to our walk together.  Abnormal is normal.  Or maybe I should say having no routine is the routine.  If you know me or have followed via social media, you know I love words. I love to play with how they go together and read how others put words together (as long as they are used to build up and in fun, not to hurt others).  So you shouldn’t be surprised that I absolutely have fallen in love with Amy Poheler and her book, Yes, Please! (And just a side note, Why has it taken me so long to discover improv?  We could have had so much fun in high school and college! But,  I digress) Life is one big improv show. Actors just tag in and out and you decide the script in the moment. There is no normal or abnormal—really.  It’s how you decide to write each scene and let the show play out. 

There is a guide, however.  Because, in every human heart, even when waves tossed the vessel, the love inside finds and calms and calls back the spirit to the Truth of One Creator and Father. He has been with us every step of the way.

you chooose

"Write the vision and make it plain on tablets. That he may run who reads it." Habakkuk 2:2

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