Sunday, June 30, 2013

A tough day of reflections on life

When did you decide to be an adult? Apparently it's no longer 18 or 21. I caught a few minutes of Katie Couric's talk show this past week. She interviewed a couple of ladies, authors I think, about how now in your 20s you're expected to use that time to find yourself and grow up, mooch off of your parents and take your time finding out who you want to marry and get your crap together basically...

I guess I missed that memo. Although if my kids asked, I'm still 23 :)

And I thought I had it together in my 20s. By the time I was 25, I had two degrees, was running my own company, married and helping to raise my two step children. Now at 32, I'm reconsidering everything. Basically what you could probably call a midlife crisis. I'm ready for my red convertible, a career change, and a location change. But most of all, I've come to realize that I've been at bat and life keeps changing up the pitches and I keep striking out.

I'm the biggest KC Royals fan you'll find. While I don't hold season tickets, they are my team no matter how many games they lose and how far their losing streak goes on. George Brett is my hero. However, I'm done being at bat of my life in this game.

So tonight when John Mayer's voice serenaded me from the radio screwed to the underbelly of my kitchen cabinets, it hit home. Many of his songs do. It's like he's watched my life and wrote them just to be my soundtrack.

"Stop this train"

Who knew at 32 going on 33?

I'd want to get off and go home again?

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