Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Wildflowers and New Reads

When things finally settle into a rhythm and the Missouri humidity sets in, I feel like I can finally delve into my summer reading list. In this last week I've read three books and I'm ready to start three more. (My current reading list: Counting By 7s by Holly Sloan, Beautiful Outlaw by John Eldridge, and Still Writing by Dani Shapiro)

Today was also mowing day in our neighborhood. So today, before they cut the beautiful wildflowers on the farmland behind our house, I made a bouquet to set on our patio where I enjoy the songbirds and my quiet time. Where do you like to get away and read, soak up your vitamin D, and what's on your MUST READ list this time of year, or maybe you have a MUST SEE at the theater (live or Hollywood) or a MUST LISTEN to list? I'd love suggestions!


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