Monday, December 22, 2014

When "Maybe" and "Tomorrow" meet.

That first time... What was it like for you, mom of an adopted child? I tend to be a bit out of the loop. If you know me, you know we don't have cable, we rarely watch network television. Our family has opted for the Hulu and Netflix subscriptions for entertainment. So when the classic "Annie" popped up as a family movie selection, I opted to show it on our last family movie night. My seven-year-old son did not hesitate to grumble a bit and beg for something more manly or boyish.

As Annie's lungs belted out the beautiful song, "Maybe," I realized that I had yet to share this childhood favorite musical with my two favorite kiddos. The context of every word spoken or sung changed meaning for me. Not only because I was now viewing one of my favorite musicals through my lenses as an adoptive parent, but also because we lost Karen this July. She is the beautiful woman, who despite her "Hard Knock Life", was able to give birth to the two beautiful children I am blessed to raise and call family.

As I watch that red head on the screen dream and sing about meeting her parents we all know died in a fire, and then I look at my seven-year-old red head and then to my eight-year-old brown eyed spit-fire princess, I think about the sorrow they will have to face one day about the mother they will not meet who died too soon.

So we pray. We thank God for the woman who sacrificed, who may not have understood everything that happened and why she couldn't keep her children. And in the spirit of the adoption..."I don't need anything but you."

So to my post-adoption readers-Mama and Daddy, Aunties, Uncles and Grandmas and Grandpas-does watching a show like Annie now  change for you? I would love to hear your comments. What was watching it with your kids like? Did it open dialogue or bring up questions?

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